final report of the yarra yarra regional drainage & research project


Increasing salinity posed a significant threat to Yarra Yarra natural resources and agricultural practices therefore YYCMG conducted monitoring and implemented a regional drainage program.

flora & vegetation survey


Flora and vegetation survey conducted at the proposed drainage site – Mongers 16, for the purpose of identifying if the site was suitable for clearing.

stage 2 yarra yarra regional drainage & research project


The second stage of the regional drainage program involves finalising the infrastructure required for monitoring and research, extend 129 km of drainage lines, and establish surrounding vegetation.

Yarra yarra 3 stage drainage program


Details works and maps involved in the three stage drainage program.

deep drains in the yarra yarra catchment


This report describes the experience of the YYCMG with the drain network constructed between May and August 2006 in subcatchment MU55.



Appendices for the 2005 report: Final Report on Feasibility Study

final report on feasibility study


This report summarises the works carried out by the YYCMG on the regional drainage project between 2003 and 2005 and discusses the feasibility of ongoing catchment rehabilitation and maintenance.

establishing priorities for deep drainage in the yarra yarra catchment


Document outlining the priorities and considerations for deep drainage within the Yarra Yarra Catchment as identified by the YYCMG.