The YYCMG is a community based landcare group focused on sustainable natural resource management within our region.
Committee & Staff
The YYCMG is managed by a association committee and currently has one part-time community landcare coordinator.
The Yarra Yarra Catchment
Yarra Yarra is one of the four sub-regions in the Northern Agricultural Region, the other regions are; Greenough, Moore River and West Midlands.
Zones & Subcatchments
The Yarra Yarra Catchment can be divided into a total of sixty separate subcatchments within eleven zones.
Our Region
Our Offices
The main office of the YYCMG is in Perenjori, with a branch office in Kalannie.
We are interested in issues relating to natural resource management, such as rehabilitating drainage lines, revegetation, saltland pasture or sustainable agricultural practices.